I am an expat. Im working here Dubai, and unfortunately our company is in chaos, up to the extent that our company has pending court cases.
My concern is, my Boss want me to do him a favor. He wants my passport to give to court as a guarantee.
According to him, all assets in our company now is under court. Its kinda mortgaged to court due to the payments. He is still in the process of defending his right. And the court required his passport until the case be solved. He didn't provide to court his passport because his travelling alot and its allowed to present any passport. So he used his brother in law passport, and when his brother in law needed to leave the company he pull out his passport and gave his wife passport and so on.
And now hes asking my passport, since his wife passport needs to be renewed, his sons passport needs to be renewed too. (that's all according to him when I asked why me.)
Please help!
I told him please let me think of it because really Im scared and worried.
Should i give my passport?
Tell me what are the risk Ill be facing?
Read more: Dubai Court/ Dubai Law.My Boss is asking for my passport as a guarantee on his court case( Dubai)?