My mom is being a b*tch. She's collecting $1000 a month child support, and now charging me $500. That's insane. She's making $18,000 a year for my existence?
And Please. She doesn't even buy groceries regularly, I have to eat out most of the time. It goes straight into her mortgage. Fine that's responsible, but that's not what the money is for. The only money I have is from my birthdays and summer job, I don't have a job right now. I'm 16. So she's basically just going into my bank and taking $500 every month.
I'm thinking of moving into my dad's for a month or two just to show her. How would she like to be paying $12,000 a year instead of raking in $30?
First, is it legal? Second, who do I inform that I live with my dad so she has to pay child support immediately?
Read more: Is it legal to collect child support for a child you're charging rent?