We just found out we're pregnant, but there's a small problem, I'm still on my dad's insurance. My partner and I are financially self sufficient and my dad doesn't pay for anything, so he won't be paying for any part of my pregnancy or delivery. He has an HSA family plan with a fairly high deductible that has to be met as a family (no single person deductible). Fortunately, or so I thought, my parents and sister have paid half of our deductible to various doctors. When I went to my first prenatal visit, the price tag came as a shock. We were told we had to pay our entire deductible before my eighth month of pregnancy. Which, to put it in perspective, is an additional mortgage payment. When I asked about the amount that had already been paid, I was told I would receive a check reimbursing me for the amount that is over-paid.
My personal thoughts: Why in the world would I write you a check for thousands more than I owe you, only to wait on a check from you for reimbursement? Why should I trust this?
My real question(s): Does this seem normal? Has anybody else ever dealt with a similar situation? Should I look for a new doctor?
Read more: Can my doctors office make me pay my full deductible if it is already partially paid at other doctors?