I'm owner financing a home. It was for 15 years and so far I've been paying on it for 8 years. There were papers drawn up through a lawyer and I pay a bank as a collection note. When I bought the house, I was married. I'm now a single mom of 3 kids because he walked out 5 years ago. Because if this I've had some financial hard ships. I've been late and gotten behind but always caught up. Recently the financer changed banks and there was a lot of difficulty because the new bank lost paper work and proof of payments. I had my receipts. Everything is worked out but now my financer has had enough because I had another late payment. It had been well over a year since that happened before. So she had her lawyer write up papers saying if I'm even one day late I will be evicted. Is this legal? I thought that as long as i kept my payments up every month, late or not then I was ok. It's not like I'm behind on my payments. I'm still a struggling single mom. She told me that if she knew any of this (late payments) would happen she wouldn't have sold me the house. She now checks with the bank and texts reminding me that my payment is coming up. Believe me I know. As a struggling single mother I'm stressed enough about bills and scared to lose my house but sometimes it takes me almost all month to get the mortgage payment together. And I do every month. I just want to know if I have rights. Can she just change our original agreement to this new eviction threat? Thanks. Please no mean comme
Read more: Owner financing, do I have rights?!