Several years ago I started dating a man shortly after my divorce who seemed the exact opposite of my marriage and we clicked right away. He was starting up a company and I joined him and together we quit our jobs, I moved into his home and we began a life together. Our business is demanding and 75 hour weeks are not unusual and being together 24 hours a day has never been an issue. The problem is that over time his narcissistic behavior has emerged and gotten worse. He cares very little about attending my sons school events and money is his number one focus. Working less than 70 hours causes fights in the house and he has an attitude that I am freeloading off him since he provides the capital for the business and pays me. I am getting tired of being diminished by him but leaving him would mean a new job and with shared custody of my son, I might not have a job flexible enough to attend his school and recreational events. In addition I would be out of a home (I do pay half his mortgage) and have to start over that way too. I hate the idea of starting over and I have all my life tied up with him. It's hard enough starting a new job but to do that, find an apartment and be alone seems like divorce all over again. With unemployment in this state the way it is I would be lucky to find a job that pays me half what I make regardless of my education. I don't know if it's worth leaving a guy because he values money over family. Should I just shut up and take it for my sons sake?
Read more: Dating a decent man that values money over family?