Wednesday, May 14, 2014

How much does each item effect my credit?

I'm 11 credit score points away from getting a good interest rate on a mortgage. I have a few old items on my credit report that's hurting me. The past 4 years have been excellent, no late payments, great income, etc. But I hit a hard spot years ago and I'm curious about my credit score in general. I have a judgement from 4 1/2 years ago for $3,000 that I paid in full a week after the court date (I was not notified of being overpaid commissions and was out of town when they sent the letter for the hearing). Long story short, I had that hit my credit report as a "public record." So does that still, after this long of a time, really hurt my score? Also, I had a collections account from 6 years ago from a library of $51 saying I didn't return the book I borrowed so I paid that off yesterday in full and was promised that would be removed. Other than that, I had some late car payments, co-signed student loans that went south (3 sallie mae loans that went to "charge off" years ago that I co-signed for)--long story.
Anyways, as I try to attack these items, my questions are these:
Is there any way to see if I can get these 11 points sooner rather than later?
How much, approximately, does each of these items cost me in regards to score points?
I know the bureaus report for 7 years. Is that from the start of the account or the end of the account?
Any tips on how to get someone to remove anything other than calling Lexington Law?
Thanks so much!

Read more: How much does each item effect my credit?