Tuesday, May 6, 2014
If you were rich, how much cricket would you watch?
Imagine if old Aunt Eda - a distant relative you'd never met - died leaving her ã100m estate solely to you. The mortgage & bills are history, an early retirement is in order leaving you with more hours in the day to fill, how much cricket/ sport would you watch?
Would your face be a regular to the millions watching on TV? You know, a mouth watering test match between South Africa & Australia in the Western Cape is taking place and your going to be there, because you can. I'd certainly be sunning myself with a nice cold can of Windhoek.
In fact, I'd buy myself a nice little get-around from the Bombardier Global range, follow English cricket around the world, and probably find myself watching other test cricket in the wonderful locations it's played.
I know there's logistical problems to overcome, such as convincing the better half who despises sport in general, and, well, finding an Aunt Eda, but are you somebody that would watch cricket around the world or not?
Read more: If you were rich, how much cricket would you watch?