Monday, May 12, 2014

Is my ex legally responsible to pay half the mortgage on our house even though he has moved out?

My ex partner moved out of the home we jointly mortgaged together in 2007, I took on full responsibility of the mortgage and paid this all on my own, never asked him for a penny towards the mortgage or for upkeep of the property. I paid him £10k at the time he moved out for part of his share of the property.

We sold the house recently and he is now asking for £7500 even tho we only sold the property making a £24k profit, which should be split fairly down the middle and seeing as he has had £10k already he should received a further £2k. I think I am being more the reasonable giving him half of the sale proceeds seeing as I have paid in the region of £40k mortgage payments over the last 7 years and he hasn't contributed a penny towards the house in this time.

He is refusing to allow the sale proceeds to be released and I am sat with nothing while he has had his £10k and is quibbling over getting his hands on £5k more than he is entitled. If it were to go further would I be legally entitled to get him to pay me back mortgage payments from what he hasn't paid over the last 7 years as he doesn't seem to be playing fair when I have been more than fair on the subject, I feel he is dragging his heels as he thinks if he holds things up long enough I will change my mind and give in to what he wants?

Read more: Is my ex legally responsible to pay half the mortgage on our house even though he has moved out?