I've known my step dad since I was one year old so he is basically my only dad as far as I'm concerned, but he's an idiot. He's always arguing with my mom over stupid things! For example, me, him, my mother and 3 year old half brother live in a small 3 bedroom house and he'll moan about 'stuff' being everywhere. Like my moms documents in the front room or a box in the kitchen when he won't clean up anything himself!
My mom works full time, she earns a decent salary of £45K a year but then she has to pay for my brothers nursery which is stupidly expensive at nearly £15K a year (so she told me), she has to pay the mortgage, gas bill and electricity bill! My step dad earns £35K a year plus bonuses but I found out from my mom a few months back that he's in loads of debt somehow, she always has to give him money, he goes overdraft on his bank cards and she doesn't know what he spends it on!
On top of all this, he's a 46 year old man that sits on twitter whenever he has free time! He's like a sloth. My mom has to go to London every week for work and sometimes she'll stay overnight so I'm the one that has to look after everyone in the house! I've just turned 18 so I can cook etc, but him being the father should be doing this all! I'll have to take my brother to bed and dress him and feed him, then do diner while he sits on his a** scrolling through twitter!
He'll come back home moaning about his life and whatever when he's just lazy!
Why is he like this? What about your dads?
Added (1). Plus, my grandparents (mom's parents) don't like the way he talks to my mom sometimes and that he's always moaning to her and arguing when she has so much to do.
He's really judgmental too! Like if there is a camp person on tv or he sees one he'll try and make jokes as if he's homophobic but claims he isn't.
And whenever we go out and he has to talk to a woman (sales assistant/waitress/etc) he'll try and make jokes and call them 'sweetie' which makes me and them feel so uncomfortable!
Read more: Why is my stepdad such an idiot?