Seven years ago I split up with my ex boyfriend. We were only together for three years. No kids involved but we owned property and had a mortgage together and neither of us wanted to sell so we agreed we would get the work done to strata title the units and therefore be able to own half each and get our own mortgages and move on in life. That hasn't happened. I have spent the past seven years trying to get him to outlay the money and get the property divided. In the meantime he has rented out his half of the property and purchased other property and the whole time he has refused to spend the $30k to get this property sorted so that I could move on with my life and have some freedom to sell my share of the property. In effect I'm a prisoner to him. If he fails to pay his share of the mortgage I must pay otherwise I'll lose my property. I can not sell my share either. He is quite wealthy but I am not. So I started getting the things that needed to be done and outlaying the money and he has paid for part of it. He hasn't helped me at all and I have spent countless hours getting the property ready for separation. Now it is almost complete but he is refusing to pay me for some of the work done. He flatly refuses and I'm worried if I make too much of a complaint about him he won't agree to sign the papers in order to get the property separated. I am so stressed. I feel like I've been severely ripped off and I don't know how to get my money ($10k) back. He just won't pay me. Help!
Read more: Advice needed. Ex owes me money?