My husband walked out on my children and I 8 months ago. I was a stay at home mom for 7 years with no income. Together for 10, living together 9, married for 6. He owes me $840 in child support per month. He stopped paying the bills and now only gives me $300 a month to feed and clothe our children. He keeps the remainder of the $840 and pays the mortgage. We have nothing. And live in a small town with barely any jobs. I am working part time two days a week and looking for a second job. I can barely afford bills and food. It is usually one or the other. He only sees the 4 hours each week. We are in poverty. Can he be charged with abandonment? He has assaulted me, cut off our utilities, turned off breakers and been verbally abusive as well. We have court July 4th. I just want this nightmare to be over.
Added (1). He was arrested and charged with assault. But being a prison guard and first time offense he was let go on a peace bond. There is a no contact order in place unless regarding the children or separation matters. He is not allowed on the property or any other contact. He also left after having an affair and saying he just really had to have sex with other girls. I'm hoping these things combined will at least grant me an early divorce.
Added (2). Athena, it is correct. We live in Canada. Before you judge. I worked to put him through college. Then had a baby, then we decided to have another baby before I went back to school. Then he did not want me to work, got a job as a guard, which he went to school for… And moved us from our home of 16 years 3300kms away from everyone we loved and walked out. He was mentally, emotionally and passive aggressive to all of us. I even went to counseling alone to learn coping mechanisms.
Added (3). I am here for advice and it is greatly appreciated by those who give it. Thank you in advance.
Added (4). Oh. And we had good insurance to cover any life long injury btw…
Read more: Can my estranged spouse be charged with abandonment? Or can I file that in court?