So without typing out an entire episode of Jerry Springer here is the short version…
This is in Riverside county California, I have no clue who the mortgage holder is.
My cousin in-law who is lets just say is not the most up standing 40 year old person. He lives with his girlfriends (Yep another great role model) parents. Neither one of them have a job and both get state assistance, smoking meth, etc…
Her mother passed away a year or more ago and the dad (70+ years old) has done all can to hold it together and recently has just decided to move out and get on with his life, basically tired of supporting grown adults and his simple answer was just to move out and let it all go.
Honestly The dad is an awesome guy. From what I understand he is moving on with is life, hell I don't blame him for taking the road he has chosen to try and keep peace but gain his own sanity. At 70+ years old I am sure he is no longer to concerned about his credit.
Knowing what little I know the dad will not kick them out and will let them stay there for as long as the bank lets anyone stay in the house till they can legally remove them.
In a situation like this and the mortgage is in his name, how long before the bank steps in and starts the fore closer proceeding and takes the property over?
I am only asking out of pure curiosity and of course trying to see when I think should be looking for more drama coming to the family when they have nowhere else to live etc…
Read more: Mortgage Payment not being paid, how long do they have?