I own a home with my brother and his wife. All three of us are were on deed, my name and brother's wife's name were on mortgage. My brother tole me that if I did a quit claim deed as I moved out of the home, they could get a refi or home modification deal and I would be completely removed from the home. My brother than admitted he tricked me so I did not have rights to the home. This happened a year ago and finally found out the truth. I am still the primary on the mortgage and my brother told me to go kick rocks when I brought up that the market is not good enough for equity to be made and us to end this connection we have with the house. I have found out he has 2X over 30 day late payments on the house over the last 6 months… Can a force a sale via Law Suit?
Added (1). correction… The market "is" good for equity and would be a good time to sale. I'm not after equity, just conclusion of a bad choice for my brother and I in going into real estate together.
Read more: Tricked by other deed holder to do quite claim deed, still on mortage, can I force sale?