I have always had strong values where this is concerned. I feel it is what Jesus wants for the world, to be giving and not pass those by who are less fortunate or in trouble. I have had an excellent career since my early twenties and always lived minimally well within my means. I volunteer at charity events and have a lot of hands on with homeless people. I've drove an old Honda while everyone around me at my job lives in luxury driving sports cars and mortgaged to the hilt on houses beyond their means. I bought a new mercedes about two weeks ago and it has mostly stayed in the garage while I drive the old beater. I really love the car but I feel conflicted as if it's interfering with my humility and duty to my fellow people. Maybe I'm just so used to living frugal and this is not even a valid question. I know many times people make it hard on themselves and opt to do without or live in poverty but I also realize there are many who are forced into lives beyond their control.
Read more: At what point does individual success/wealth become excess while others suffer in poverty?