My mother separated from my dad in 1996, leaving the home they shared. She had quit claimed the property to him at that time. In 2010 she found out he never recorded the quit claim. She immediately quit claimed her interest to my brother, but not having lived there or with my dad in 14 years she left off her marital status and that the property was not her homestead. My dad passed away, and my brother ( never wanting the property) sold me the home. He signed a quit claim deed to me. He had never resided in the property. We did a quit claim deed at our county courthouse and the judges secretary notarized the quit claim deed and employees at the courthouse witnessed the deed. I applied for a home equity loan to make some needed repairs to the home, and the loan was approved. While waiting for a closing date the "mortgage broker" tells me they've hit a snag with the deeds, that they are not viable deeds and the title underwriter will not sign off on the loan. They have been jerking me around for 6 weeks with so many different excuses, this is just the latest one as to why we haven't closed the loan yet. But they also told me because of "all of their hard work and research of the deeds I owe them over $3500.00, and if I do not pay them, they will put a lien on the property. I feel like I have been seriously scammed and want to know, if their lien would be legal, and if anyone knows what government agency I can report these con artists to.
Read more: Denial of a loan by a title underwriter, is this legitimate?