My wife and I just found a house that its pretty nice and the price is around $319,000
Right now my wife and I make a combined income of $81,000. We already own a home but out of state and it has a steady rental income which pays for its own mortgage. She is about to start college and I will start graduate school next year so our incomes could go higher in the next 5 years.
Anyways, the house has been on the market for about 9 months now and we were thinking of putting an offer of 250k do you think that's too low? Should we go a little bit lower considering its been in the market for so long?
We rent right now and the mortgage + tax, insurance, etc. For that amount (250k) would be almost the same + 500 bucks. For 320k would be almost 900 extra which I really would not do right now.
What should we do?
Read more: Should I make a low offer on house?