My boyfriend and I are looking to move in with each other. Our circumstances aren't the norm in that we've been long distance for most of our relationship (almost a year). He's moving south to join me in a couple of weeks.
Currently unemployed, I've desperately been looking for work. Last week I was offered a job with a really low salary- it would have meant I'd barely afford to go out, let alone start saving again. I hate talking finances but all of my friends split the bills/rent/ mortgage in relation to their earnings. So I had a have the awkward conversation.over FaceTime. His reaction. 'Thats what established couples do,' 'I thought we'd be going 50/50'.
He's just finished his masters so I appreciate that he is keen to be earning again and adding to his savings. He would have been looking at a salary at least £5k more than mine and I just can't shift this feeling of unease.
He filled out a budgeting sheet, with money set to travel home/ Xmas presents/ £400 savings a month- so it showed nothing at the end of the month. Am I right in feeling hurt by his reaction? Honestly, I hate being in this situation and just a couple of years ago was earning £12k more than I'm being offered. I don't want to lean on anyone but its made me question how he values us and me.
Read more: Should you pay 50/50 in a relationship?