When I was young I read Kerouac's Dharma Bums, totally changed my perspective on the world, gave me a new way of looking at things, and pointed out a direction that life could go in. I read it every year without fail, but these days it seems a little "pipe-dreamy". It's all very well living your life that way when you're young, less so when you've got kids, a mortgage, run a business etc etc etc.
So what's a good book that can totally change your way of viewing the world now that I've reached middle-age. I need to re-orient and I can't find good examples of which way to turn. 40-somethings seem to be only allowed to focus on making money.
Thanks in advance
Added (1). Wouldn't mind running off with a manic, pixie dreamgirl. I wonder if my wife would like to come. Hahaha
And "Did I become a Dharma bum"? Interesting question. Yes, for a very long time, but it seems to have faded away somewhere in the mists of time. I think the problem came when I tried to get a Monahan-style cabin in the woods. It sounded great, but Kerouac didn't have to pay the mortgage, he slept in the cabin out the back! Hahaha
Read more: What's a good life-changing book for middle-age? - 1