Ok ill give the quick run down of the situation to avoid long store.
- My mom passed away
- She didn't have ea will
- My sister moved in because i wanted her to have the house and she had kids(i don't have kids)
- She went ot the court and started the process of being executive for my mother, but didn't complete it
- Me and my sisters boyfriend have been splitting all bills
- Recently Found out(10 month later) sister has been poking the mortgage money for herself.
- Found out the reason she stop the executive procedures was because since she didn't have a job i would have to take over the house.
- Her plan was to kick me out even though i said i would leave once things are stable for her.
- Currently now paying 70% of the bills and i cant remove her by force since we both don't own the house.
That is the basic run down, im in a house with my sister that refuses to leave and is proud of taking the money.
Here is my questions
Can i still go to the court and take over the house 11 months now later?
What paper work would i need to go to the court with?
If i cant save the house how can I get her out of the house for the time I have left so i could save more money?
im in Florida in case that changes anything
Read more: Cant i stop the foreclosure at all in this sistuation?