I'm 17 and in my last year of secondary school, and I have the opinion that school doesn't make you more intelligent one bit
If you get As in all your classes, that doesn't make you smart or just means you work harder. (I realise the title is a huge generalisation but i just mean that none ofy friends seem to have opinions on things like war and politics etc)
I would say that having knowledge of what's happening in the world, different countries, learning new languages and just learning about different things makes you intelligent
I understand that you learn things in school that are useful such as maths and English, however when I'm at school I listen to my friend's conversations and realise they'reall about boys, proms, shoes and television (I do talk about these things too) but sometimes I'd actually like a conversation that'd make me think
Is it just me or do you think teens in school are unintelligent?
Read more: How come teens are intelligent?