I'm nineteen, almost twenty, and my boyfriend is twenty three. We have been together for just over a year, however I know he is the man I want to spend the rest of my life with.
We have our own home together, which my Granddad bought us (we're paying him back rather than paying a mortgage). My boyfriend has a very good management job and I work part time, so we are financially stable and capable of raising a baby. Thus, money is not an issue.
My mum, grandmother, great grandmother etc all had children young, and I'm not sure if this is why I'm being so broody. My boyfriend wants a baby so badly, and I'm not sure if that's what is also rubbing off on me.
The reservations I have is that I'm about to start my second year of university. I know, from a friends experience, that if you get pregnant during university, you can take a year out to have the baby, and then return.
Two days ago we had unprotected sex, during my 'ovulation' day, so there is a chance that I am pregnant right now.
I was just wondering, what your opinion is on my situation. Also, if there is anyone who has had a baby while in university, or if there is any other teen mum's that I could talk too, that would be helpful.
Thanks a lot in advance, sorry it's long!
Read more: Nineteen, still in university, wanting a baby?