Hey guys thanks for taking a look at my question.
I am very curious person. So picture this scenario, you are a pharmacist or a doctor or any health related profession where you would obviously have to go through rigirious amounts of studying. Constantly memorizing ect. You have graduated graduate school and now working. It's been 2 years and loans still have not been paid off. All of a sudden you get into some type of accident (car,sports,ect…) where you go into a coma or some type of brain injury where you would forget almost all of your studies. To the point where all you remember is your family not much information about school. Only basics (HS math).
My question is how would the government in the US (not any other country as I live in US) help us?
Imagine likes of loans spacing out to 160k+
Going from a lifestyle of a 6 figure salary to basically nothing.
How would government help us from our mortgages of houses we purchased, cars?
Thanks for reading just wanted to throw this out.
Read more: How would the US government help us if we?