he makes much more than I do. With real estate and his company he makes about 90,000 a year. I'm barely kicking in 26,000 a year. I work in a small retail store. We have 3 kids. However the refrigerator is empty most of the time. All of our kids have iphones AND ipads and attend private schools ( my son begged my husband to get him an iPhone and switch schools. At first he said no then he wilted under pressure.) the ages of our kids are 15, 18, and 14. They only eat one meal a day. My husband goes to subway every day and gets them something to eat. But other than that, they pretty much just eat small things like bananas for their other meals. They will eat a footlong subway and that will be the only thing they eat all day. Unless they have those small frozen tv dinners with the chicken nuggets in the refrigerator. I don't agree with frozen dinners because it's all processed crap. But I don't make enough money to have a say so. Unfortunately. We had to borrow money from my 18 year son a few times to pay some of the mortgage. We live in a fairly large house. It's a 2 story, 6 bedroom, 5 bathroom house. We have been struggling to pay the mortgage lately because some of the tenants that stay in my husband's rental houses haven't been paying on time. Which has been causing a strain on us.
one of my son's doesn't even lunch at his school because he says he doesn't have enough time or that they barely give them anything. His lunch is free
Added (1). When I go to the grocery store with my husband and pick out some fruit salads and whole grain cereal and milk. He says that's not in the budget or that he's budgeting and gets angry. I told him to cut off everybody's phones if he wants to budget. I don't even have a cell phone. Just the kids. My oldest son pays his own phone bill but the other two do not. Food is not something you should cut back on. Proper nutrition is necessary. He gets about 20 dollars worth of groceries
Read more: My husband wants to budget on food but splurges on technology. Irresponsible or what?