Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Better to get a 15 year fixed mortgage or a 30 fixed mortgage?

Is it better to:

Get a 15 year fixed mortgage.


Get a 30 year fixed mortgage and invest the difference.

Wouldn't it make sense to get the 30 year mortgage and invest the difference?

If the 30 year mortgage rate is around 4.3% and I can expect an average of around 8% per year in the stock market in a 401k/Roth IRA.

Or is a 15 year the better way to go since the stock market fluctuates so much? Maybe I get 8% return over the first 5 years, then the stock market has a crash and goes down -40%?

Is 15 year or 30 year better financially?

I plan to stay in the house long time.

Read more: Better to get a 15 year fixed mortgage or a 30 fixed mortgage?