Thursday, November 6, 2014

British naturalisation for EEA citizen?

Just wondering if anyone could help me out with this, i read on the UK Border Agency site that when applying for British Naturalisation, one need to provide evidence of five years continuous live in the UK as an Eurpean citizen,

My first question: what evidence they mean?
are they Utility bills such as gas,electric, telephone/mobile bills?
or Mortgage contract
or council tax bills
or bank statments,

I am in the UK for five years now, my second question is do i need to wait for one year more, on an application form it say:-
I currently hold Eurpean nationality( Dutch ) ,

If you are an EEA national or the family member of an EEA national, please complete the following section,showing on what basis you were in the United Kingdom for the last 6 years. This is so we can see whether you were exercising your Treaty Rights for a continuous period and have acquired permanent residence in the United Kingdom

PS. I am living and working in the UK for 5 years,

Read more: British naturalisation for EEA citizen?