My husband got notice from his health insurance company that his monthly premium is going up on the policy that covers him and our son. We have no idea how we are going to afford it. My husbands boss does cover a small portion of it but the rest is out of pocket. We have been looking at switching insurance companies but they do seem to be the cheapest one. I have gone over our monthly budget and see what we can cut out. There isn't much left. We've already had our mortgage refinanced and have it lower than what rent would be on an apartment-our house is small. My husband and I are both college graduates with moderate incomes. We do not have cable TV or satellite, no home phone line, no smart phones, do not belong to any clubs, we have stopped eating out, carry our lunches everyday, I drive a 15 year old truck, we do not take vacations, don't buy a lot of gadgets, only have 1 pet, don't have any movie clubs, no newspaper subscriptions/magazines, don't drink or smoke, we stopped going to see movies in the theater, do not play the lottery/bingo, and I grocery shop at one of the cheaper stores around. The only thing we don't have is a lot of credit card debt, only a few hundred at a time-that's all. I told my husband we may have to put more things on the credit card, he hates the idea. My question is; how does everyone else afford it? Do you put a lot on your credit card? You don't have to share any amounts, but I would like to know. Thanks.
Read more: How does everyone afford day to day living?