My co worker has been struggling to hold on to her house, it's now under foreclosure. She is also very behind on her condo fees, but she regularly pays $700 each month ( actual fee is $500, she pays $250 for the past due.
Anyways, a Sheriff left a Writ and Schedule of property. What does this mean?
Also the Sheriff's office ( when she called) told her that she has 30 days and she will be evicted. My friend is moving to Texas, when will be living with her mom. So before she leaves she was planning on donating her furniture and everything including clothes to the salvation army. She she do that? She has gotten a better job out there and will be only taking one suitcase worth of stuff.
So what does this all mean? She will be doing a short sale. This Writ and schedule of property is not from her bank who has her mortgage but it's the condo association.
Your feedback is greatly valued and appreciated. Thanks!
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