My neighbor is a real estate investor. He buys and flips some properties. He holds onto others. He is in a partnership with 8 others. He is in a legal dispute with the condo board. He wanted me to run for the condo board and/or sign papers that would go in his favor. However I cannot because the condo trust is my moms'. He's been putting pressure on me to have the condo trust changed so I can legally be on the condo board and allowed to sign papers for the condo board, etc. I think he is going way over his boundaries. I told him I have no interest in running for the condo board. Could he have other motives for my moms' condo trust to be changed? Could he be a con artist trying to steal the condo away from my family? Is there a way he can do that if the trust is changed to my name? There is still a mortgage on the condo and he knows it. In fact I did not tell him the condo was in a trust. He found out by looking on real estate records. He also told me he knows of someone else in my complex whos' trust is in their mothers' name. Why is he so interested in it? Is it so people like me can vote in his favor and be on the condo board? Or is he trying to take condos away from people-being a con artist? I met a couple of his business partners. Him and them seem like shrewd people and drive Mercedes. I don't want to get caught up in a bad situation. I am not having the trust changed in any way or signing anything.
Read more: Why Does My Neighbor Want Me To Change The Trust On My Condo?