My tax preparer told me I should sell my home and move to adult community home. He claims my home property taxes are now too high and living on disability pay will not cut it. He also mentioned some retirement communities take younger people on disability. He also told me to buy a home that's $50,000 to $100,000 in the 55 adult community. And I can fix it and put rest of money into stocks from the sale of the home. He mentioned that the Maintenance will be low and taxes at the adult community. He recommends I should not buy a home, because I will not find one for 50,000 to 100,00 in my area only in an adult community in my area. I started to cry because I live in a house worth $265,00. If I sell it with deduction of mortgage and % I pay to realtor I only get $190,00. Would you move into something so cheap and 55 adult community when you are only 48 years old? I am devastated. I don't know what to do.
Added (1). I lived here for 16 years. Things have now changed and I feel like I always lived comfortably. But Cost of living disability has been stagnant and its made things worse for me. I don't see how anyone can live on it.
Added (2). Flower… He recommends the adult community because taxes are lower, If I find another house in the area, I will pay same taxes or higher. I don't want to move out of my town. The adult community in my town has places that are cheaper with lower taxes and other adult community homes that cost $$$ with higher taxes. I have to move into the ones that are cheaper with lower taxes.
Read more: Would you live in a 55-adult community home and you are 48 and on disability?