Out of curiosity, when using a broker would the broker and the lending insitiution both get a verbal verification of employment or just one of them? I ask because my job is notoriously bad at not releasing information. Even when someone was just trying to get into an apartment they took forever to verify that she was employed and she didn't get the place. I don't want this to delay my closing.
If it makes a difference, my boyfriend and I are applying together. I have a longer steady employment history (he graduated from college a year ago) but he makes twice as much- 100k vs my 50k a year. So I don't know if verifying his employment will be enough since his income is enough alone to qualify for the loan or if they'll want both. All the down payment/reserve money is in my account so it's not an option for him to apply alone.
Read more: When using a mortgage broker who verifies employment?