Friday, May 22, 2015
Off-Topic: Has Society shaped your outlook/how you live your life?
You move out early (18 years old), need to keep up with the rent, a mortgage is an unrealistic option given the wages that your job pays, you're condemned to pay rent and live on the edge for the rest of your life with no real luxuries
You meet a girl, you waste 3-5 years with her only to break up/get a divorce. (possibly had a child with her who you need to support)
You waste your life doing a job that will never amount to you going far, nor will it help you obtain a property.
Do people rush their life too much and end up penniless? Should people stay home till they build up enough money to sustain a mortgage/provide for a family.
In my opinion, people should stay at home till they turn 25, working hard and saving money.
have no strings attached sex till 35 then have a child.
they should at this point have enough money to put a down payment on a flat.
these are some of the mistakes I've seen my friends commit.
what are your thoughts?
Read more: Off-Topic: Has Society shaped your outlook/how you live your life?