Saturday, May 30, 2015
Why am I always to blame for all this mess?
Basically, my mum is a single parent, I've moved back in with her and my two girls because I broke up with my ex. She can't handle the mortgage, council tax, electricity, gas and water, my dad doesn't want anything to do with her anymore.
In her conversations she always blames me for not helping her out when I get my pay check, I get no thank yous, I understand I shouldn't be selfish but it would be nice to stay positive in this situation. I understand she's struggling and there'd be times when I would help her out but she never bothers pointing that out. If I point out that there are some times when I would help her out but she always says "only sometimes, look at your sister, she helps me out whenever she can, she never complains". She always have something good to say about her being her little princess, but not me. If I complain she says I take things too personally. If try to ignore it, she tells me I don't care what she has to say. How can I get away from her negativity?
I mean I understand she's struggling but don't blame me for the things I've not done right.
Read more: Why am I always to blame for all this mess?