Saturday, June 13, 2015
Hi all, any help would be greatly appreciated. About 5 years ago my family put an addition on my?
grandfather's house to take care of him. My parents absolved a $150,000 mortgage and spent aprox. $400,000 on additions. The house is not even worth $500,000… My grandfather did not help with expenses, AT ALL. He also pays no rent. The house is also split- my family (6 people) downstairs, while he has more than half the house upstairs (and he also has the only garage to store his Porsche than he only drives in the summer, he won't even let me put the lawn mower in there, i have a plastic shed outside that is constantly falling apart). I find this to be so unfair, he has no gas or electric bills and will constantly run the AC and heat while my parents will never turn it on- yet they blame me for the high electric bill.
Now this would not normally bother me; however, he has been very condescending and pretentious all of his life. He makes fun of me (calls me fat, makes fun of my speech impediment) and leaves stacks of money laying around the house (he still owns a business, although he is retired, that my dad runs) while my parents scrape by with bills and i have to pay for college by myself.
What really irks me is, if my parents decided not to do this for my grandfather, then they would be more financially stable and able to help pay for my college education (they currently net too much yearly for me to qualify for any aid).
Sorry for the rant and thank you for any help, but i just can't help but feel like i come second to my grandfather, in my own house.
Thank you!
Read more: Hi all, any help would be greatly appreciated. About 5 years ago my family put an addition on my?