Thursday, August 27, 2015

How to come up with $150,000?

I am living with my parents and I have saved quite a bit of money. I am $150,000 short of being able to buy a house in cash.

I want to be able to take advantage of living expense free while I save up my remaining $150,000.

I am working full time but the faster I hit $150,000 the faster I can move out so I want to expand my income in other ways.

What I am looking for ideas on how to do so. Thanks
Added (1). I do not mean $150,000 all at once. I mean little things I can do that will add up to $150,000
Added (2). I want to be able to buy my house in cash. I am earning dividends and interest on my investments and I would rather do that than pay interest on a mortgage, no matter how low rates are.

Read more: How to come up with $150,000?