Saturday, August 15, 2015

What steps can I take to prepare for the future, retirement?

I recently married. I have 20 yrs to retire. Spouse can retire in 10 yrs. He makes a 6 digit income. I was making roughly 38k. He said during engagement he would pay for me to attend college or I could work part time. After we married, commuting to my job wasn't working. I couldn't find job in my field and had to take pay cut to 23k. I looked into school or part time work. He wasn't very supportive. Last week, I found out he was keeping his adult sons as beneficiaries of his pension, 401K, Roths, and life insurance. He doesn't see the need for more insurance nor does he see the need to change beneficiary. He has no Will. He said I would get the house, although I'm not listed on the house. I cannot carry a mortgage on this house all by myself. Last week I got a new job with earning potential of 50k. It's a 60 hour a week, very physical job… I worry if I can handle it long term. That said, with the income, I am hoping to stock pile money and put more toward retirement, pay off my car. My question: what can I do to prepare for a future, retirement? I am worried that if I don't have a good job now or go to college and get a degree to open up more doors, I will be screwed if he dies (he has heart problems) or divorces me (we are fine). I feel he should be the one ensuring our future. Especially since his income is much greater than mine. I do realize, though that I need to take some responsibility too.

Read more: What steps can I take to prepare for the future, retirement?