Friday, October 2, 2015

Are there many americans who don't know these?

1. You can't send pork-based products (spam ham) to muslim countries. is stupid questiok to ask asians ans african whether people there know what microwave oven is cause they know what they are.
3. Even asian countries liks japan and s-korea may have better health care system than most americans have now.
4. There must be many eastern european girls who would say no to ugly fat old american men.
5. Even american government can't manipulate russian and chinese military so easily as your dad manipulates you.
6. America can't win russian+chineae military combined without difficulty.
7. American troops will not send navy seal to save you when you are put to foreign prison on your drug trafficking.
8. Many western europeans don't like american that much.
9. Thai royal family has much much much more wealth than most of americans have and will have.
10. Hindu and islam is different religion.
11. You don't need to feel sympathy to tiny asian man who buy 1M house without mortgage and pay his kids' private university only cause he looks poor guy from poorer countries.
12. People in foreign world will welcome black guy named obama much more than mr. Texan white.
13. Metropolitan cities in 3rd world have more elevator than america's tiny town like billings montana.
14. Italy has quite chilly or cold days too.

too difficult to answer?

Read more: Are there many americans who don't know these?