Monday, January 25, 2016

Is it worth it for me to go back to the USA to get my driver license there?

I am a dual citizen with American and French nationality and live in France, I'm in my early 20s. I plan to do a working holiday in Australia next year in 2017.

I don't have my driver's license in France or the USA. It's expensive and a difficult, long, and expensive process here in France. I haven't started yet. In the USA, it's practically free.

The only thing is; I don't necessarily have anywhere to stay in particular if I go to the USA and I don't know how long it will take to get it although I know for sure if I do it right it cannot take more than maybe a few weeks or a month at most, am I right?

The last time I drove was in 2013 but I have had a lot of practice with automatic cars; I drove 1/3rd of the way on a trip to another state that took 6 hours, have drove at night a few times and a more at day, and I have also finished driver's education and did very well in my American high school but haven't gotten my full license in the USA (long story)

So basically, I'll have to buy a round trip or maybe France -> USA -> Australia flight (if it's cheaper haven't checked.) if I go that last minute.

I want some advice, I have a lot of things to think about and just not sure how to go about doing this! Don't want to end up spending like 1500 or 2000 USD for this trip either. I know I can get a ticket FR > USA around 400 euros.
Added (1). Thanks for the information. That's out of the question, then, to go to the USA. I hadn't thought about the address thing. Oh well, maybe one day many years from now.

Read more: Is it worth it for me to go back to the USA to get my driver license there?