Tuesday, March 22, 2016
Thinking about moving to Tempe Arizona, pros and cons?
It's a long story but my job is being eliminated where I live and my company gave me the option to move to another one of their branches, Most of them are located in popular cities. Right now I live in Kansas and I can't say I love Kansas, too cold in the winter. My husband has family that lives in Phenoix. My job would be in Tempe. Where would be a good place to look for affordable homes that wouldn't be high on crime? We pay around $800 a month on our mortgage right now, can't really spend more than that on rent or mortgage.
Added (1). I currently live in a rural area with 10 acres of land. It makes me sad that I may have to let it go. But I have lived in the city before too, I lived right next to a train for 4 years before we moved to our place now so city living isn't foreign to me. I have 5 dogs so that is what I am worried about, I am willing to let go of the 2 larger dogs if I absolutely have to. So that leaves 3 dogs so I really need to have a yard.
Added (2). To be clear, I lived in a suburb of Kansas City, not as big as phoenix but city is not foreign to me. I currently drive about 45 minutes to work so a long drive is not foreign either but I would rather avoid it because I hate my current drive.
Read more: Thinking about moving to Tempe Arizona, pros and cons?