Sunday, April 17, 2016
Going thru divorce, my ex-wife has sent me FBA, what are the things I should consider?
Actually I hired an lawyer to reply and accepted one of the offer she made. Which is she pay me money and I transfer all of my share in property under her name. With this lawyer i did not sign adn written agreement I paid him in full to reply and accept the offer. This lawyer offered me that If I put his name and when reply to letter, so he will receive the financial binding agreement and he will look into it and review and advise other partly accordingly for that he will charge further 440. The offer acceptance letter that this lawyer wrote, he did not requested other party to reply within a time frame. I noticed this and also i notices in the letter as it was only related to property settlement and but he included this line that my client is not interested in divorce soon, if your client want it soon they can contact him (my lawyer).
Added (1). I raised this question when I received this letter. Also sent email in regards to that, but when he did not reply called him and he agreed that he will sent further email to other party to reply for it in next 7 days. And on phone he mentioned to me that he will not charge for it. But i did not received any confirmation email, i sent him email and asked him if do not want to do it, I will do it myself, then he sent this email to other party and confirmed now he has done it. But now
Added (2). but now when he received this FBA (financial binding agreement), he did not informed me and when i checked with my ex-wife she informed me that her lawyer already forward it to my lawyer. I check with my lawyer on phone he firstly refused that he has received it and when I mentioned that my ex wife informed me that they have done it already, the he accepted that he received it yesterday. Then
Added (3). then I said as i have told you before that you did not worked in my best interest as you included line that in letter which i did not want and also now you did not informed me on time by now i would have move out from property as i don want to pay mortgage and rent same time. Then I requested him
Added (4). he said he will do it in morning. But in morning I received email from him with soft copy of FBA and he also mentioned email that I need to pay for extra work that he has done for me. I believed he doing for no charge, and he promised it when he sent letter to provide time frame to reply. It was his error, and now he is charging me for it.
Added (5). and I was never aware of this fee structure, and he never informed me. Now i need hard copies and he want this fee paid before he hand me hard copies.don't want to pay him again, and want to know if I can get the hard copy of FBA from him without paying this unnecessary fee that he is claiming.secondly I also want to know if I continue with this lawyer as he mentioned in the letter he will review and reply to FBA $440 and ignore other fee that he is charging for extra work.
Added (6). if I go ahead with his offer, there and few terms in FBA I not agree, then he will communicate to other party, and then they might change the terms or eliminate it from contract. And once i accepted it FBA, what will be the best way to get paid. How i will transfer the title and same time if other party can transfer the money in my account without involving this lawyer. Please advise it is urgent and if somebody can help me with it. Thanks
Read more: Going thru divorce, my ex-wife has sent me FBA, what are the things I should consider?