Monday, April 11, 2016
How to support the person without supporting the actions?
My former neighbor has landed herself and her three children in an unfortunate situation. Her 11 year old twins and my 10 year old twins were best friends. Lived right across the street and two of them were in the same class for two years.
My neighbor and I talked. I guess she considered us friends. I say this because of the way she reacted when she wasn't getting enough support from me. I never considered us friends. I only saw us as neighbors.
She tells me about how she takes care of her kids. How she does her dirt. About getting high. About her sugar daddies. I also get to hear about how her husband left her and moved to Colorado and pays the mortgage so she can stay in the house with the kids.
One day out of the blue there is a 24 hour notice to vacate and she is moving out. She post all kind of stuff on Facebook asking for help. I stayed out of it because I don't want to get involved like that. But sure enough she is over telling me how her husband sold the house back to the bank. I know better. That's called Foreclosure. That or he got tired of paying for a whore house. So a single mom of three with a dog and a boyfriend lets a single mom of three with a dog and no boyfriend move into her house. I see trouble waiting to happen. I didn't go visit her much after she moved down the street but one day on my way down the street my kids tell me they don't live there anymore. When I asked what happened they said that she threatened to burn down this woman's house.
Added (1). I want to reach out to her and her kids so bad. I worry about her and the kids. Both her girls are gifted and got in bachelorette programs. But now that aren't even in school now that she got kicked out. I see posts all the time on Facebook about fake friends and all kinds of nonsense. I really can't stand the kind of person she is but I also can't see myself just standing by and doing nothing. The last time I saw them I let my kids bag up care packages for all three of her kids.
Read more: How to support the person without supporting the actions?