Friday, April 29, 2016
What would you do (or want to do) if you died and awoke to the following scenario?
1) You weren't in heaven but were still on planet earth
# 2) The entire planet was a global paradise
# 3) Everyone human being on planet Earth worshiped ÃÂÃÂ"ÃÂÃÂ"â (YHVH) as the One True Almighty God and did so through Jesus Christ.
# 4) Everyone recognized Jesus Christ as the only begotten Son of ÃÂÃÂ"ÃÂÃÂ"â (YHVH), not a Trinity and everyone gave glory to ÃÂÃÂ"ÃÂÃÂ"â through Jesus in spirit and Truth in accordance with the writings within the holy Bible.
# 5) God Almighty was with mankind in that He would abundantly care for and fulfill the godly nees and desires of everyone.
# 6) Religion no longer existed, there was ONLY worship of ÃÂÃÂ"ÃÂÃÂ"â in spirit and Truth.
# 7) War, Global Hunger, Racial Prejudice, Murder, Theft, Selfishness, Ungodliness, Adultery and the like were gone forever and were replaced by two LAWS… (1) Love of ÃÂÃÂ"ÃÂÃÂ"â (YHVH) with all that one is and has and (2) Love of ones neighbor as they love themselves.
# 8) All animals were at total peace not only with one another but also0 with mankind.
# 9) Family and friends that you lost in death were re-united with you.
# 10) Politics and commercialism were gone forever.
# 11) Money was no longer needed and gone forever
# 12) Sickness, Disease and Death were no more (Hospitals and Cemetery's were nowhere on Earth).
# 13) Wicked people were nonexistent, you couldn't find them anywhere on Earth even if you tried
Added (1). # 14) Everyone on Earth spoke one language
# 15) Apartments no longer existed, everyone on Earth had their own HOUSE that they built, mortgage free and no property taxes. Also everyone had ample land space as their property.
# 16) There is ONLY one Government for the entire planet and it rules from heaven by the decree of ÃÂÃÂ"ÃÂÃÂ"â (YHVH)
Added (2). # 17) Getting "old" is nonexistent, everyone on Earth looks like they are in their early 20's and has the stamina to go with it.
# 18) There is no possible way to get bored because ÃÂÃÂ"ÃÂÃÂ"â (YHVH) will NEVER run out of new and exciting things for mankind to do and explore.
# 19) You now have the TIME to do, create, learn and explore all kinds of things, crafts, places and skills.
# 20) You realized you weren't dreaming and or on medication. ;-)
Read more: What would you do (or want to do) if you died and awoke to the following scenario?