Sunday, May 22, 2016
Is the harassment of free spirits a hate crime?
People such as mountain men, people living off the grid, free land wanderers, nomads, homeless, people who live in a van for years as travelers, etc… Free Spirits. These are a community of people who do not want to conform, to main stream society. They are a PEOPLE and share common values… They are a community. I have noticed a pattern of behavior, where these people are being forced off land such as sustainable living groups, and those who want to peer-to-peer build inexpensive code free homes on free land zoned for people of low income to live on. To avoid slavery to mortgages and exploitation. They are constantly under attack by police and other members of the community. Is this community within the community victims of HATE crime? They are oppressed, and attacked constantly. What can be done to see them as a community, not lost hobos, so they can have protection under the law as a group?
Added (1). Remember land is owned and controlled by Royalty (ie Queen of England owns Canada and Australia) therefore this question is in the correct category as it concerns royal land. Thank you.
Read more: Is the harassment of free spirits a hate crime?