Where there any people in the film Inside Job that made you angry? If so, explain. Are Republicans or Democrats to blame for the financial crisis of 2008? Remember the discussion of how subprime mortgages "pooled" (into Mortgage Back Securities or bonds) as opposed to the traditional mortgage lending that took place at the local level (e.g. Staten Island Bank and Trust). How might things have turned out differently if this old lending system stayed in place? Inside Job discusses evidence that senior bankers on Wall Street used prostitutes and illegal drugs, sometimes paying with company credit cards. If bringing a criminal fraud case related to sub-prime loans and CDOs would be too difficult, should prosecutors go after this other behavior? Should colleges and universities have a policy re- garding conflicts of interest? What are your thoughts on the professors from Columbia and Harvard who were paid to write "analyses"? How has the discipline of economics itself become corrupted? Explain.
Read more: Where there any people in the film Inside Job that made you angry? If so, explain?