A relative is having to leave his home of 45 years due to a reverse mortgage, but even before his mother passed away they had been in foreclosure due to inability to pay property taxes. An attorney had helped them for a while but finally withdrew saying they are at the final step, a final judgment sort of hearing, at which point the judge will decide how much time my relative will have to get out of the house.
It has been more than a month since the attorney told him that. The attorney had said the judge would give him anywhere from a month to up to four months to get out of the house. But he is afraid he won't be given any time at all. Do you have any insight on this?
Added (1). Thanks for answers so far. He is moving in with me. The issue is, we are trying to figure out how much time we will have to pack up his house. He is a foot-dragger, so the more time the better. I am just worried he might not be given any time at all. Does anyone have any idea what the judge is likely to do? Is he likely to give my relative at least a month?
Read more: What can we expect in terms of time allowed to get out of the house?