So my Boyfriend wants us to move in together. But he's behind on his mortgage and wants my help. He owes the bank 5.5k and I said I would help. I'm not upset about helping save his house. Just not sure if he's actually truly trying too.
I have 4 children who live with me, he has one who doesn't live with him.
Last month we were suppose to save what we could. After fixed expenses of housing costs I had $1700 left over for food, summer clothes for the kids, my daughter's grad, fuel and savings. I spent $750 on those variable costs. I saved $950 for his house and gave it to him. I cut corners to give him the $950.
I can't see what he spent money on but I know after current month fixed expenses he had $1500… He had to spend on food, fuel, and vehicle repairs of $400.
He now says including money I gave him he only had $600 left.
This means not only did he spend the full $1500 variable expense money he had but he also spent $350 that I put in to help him keep his house.
I'm definitely seeing how he ended up behind on his mortgage.
When I told him I couldn't give him as much next month because two of my children have birthdays. His reply was so you're not going to help me then. I might only be able to give a few hundred. BUT since last month I'm feeling very put off to give money to keep helping.
Is he's holding his own in this? Or am being a sucker?
Read more: Feeling a bit taken advantage of financially, am I over reacting?