Hi all,
Hopefully a quickish question: I've recently graduated from uni (2 months ago) and have been fortunate enough to secure a MO job in a fairly large international bank, so whilst I won't be earning the mega bucks of FO, Magic Circle Law grads, Big 3 etc, I'm still able to live within my means - because of this, I haven't bothered to get a credit card, as I don't want to accidentally get fined for whatever reason (not really an expert on credit cards as you can tell…)
I'm trying to say 2/3k a year for the next few years so I'll hopefully be able to put a deposit down for a small flat in my late 20s. However, a few people have told me that I may struggle if I don't have a credit card (and hence can't build up a credit score)? I've never fallen behind on bills/rent using my debit card, so am wondering if this will be an issue.
Unsure if this makes a difference, but I'm also one of the unlucky millennials who have been hit by the 9k a year tuition increases, so will paying that off slowly have much impact at all?
Many thanks for any answers, anecdotal or other =)
I don't need/use a credit card, but am worried about this impacting my chances of getting a mortgage in the future, should I apply for one?
Read more: Do you need a credit card to build up a credit score?