I need opinions and not looking for judgy answers. I'm a single mom with a 5 year old child. Since my child was a baby I've been putting away money each month into an RESP. Right now I'm severely in dept due to unforeseen circumstances for example school fees, daycare fees, increase in mortgage, furnace not working and a huge loan payment due to having to hire a lawyer when my child's other parent took me to court just to name a few. If i were to withdraw the money I have saved for his education I would be able to somewhat eliminate a bit of pressure on this whole dept issue but then the guilt of using my sons education money would forever haunt me. I would indeed plan on paying it all back by the time he is 18 and ready for college but that still doesn't change the fact that I had to use it to get myself out of dept. Have anybody else had to face a decision like this or has anyone else done this before. I'm looking for opinions, suggestions anything that maybe be a useful tip.
Read more: Using your young child's education fund to pay off dept?