My husband kids and I found a house on craigslist in Florida. After living here for a week our neighbor told us our landlords don't own this property and the real landlord (from Texas) were on their way to sell this place. We ended up calling the cops trying to get our money back after a realtor showed up to sell the place. All our landlords have is a yellow piece of paper saying they are renting to own. Things quited down for a bit nobody told us what was really going on but the for sale sign came down. Our landlords said the owners didn't want to go forward with selling this place. 4 months later we had a hurricane and got 2 weeks behind on rent but still were paying $200/week. We called our landlords they said fine but they were out of work as well and needed our money to pay their mortgage for the place they live in and for this one. The next day they left a note in my mailbox while I was home. I don't know why they didn't bring it to the door. It said we had 23 days to move out. Since then they have been pulling in my driveway laying on the horn. My question is can they keep coming here bugging us laying on the horn? And they don't own the place or have a deed what will be the process to get us out
Read more: What can my landlord do?