Whilst I've been studying my OH has saved for a mortgage. This was supposed to be way off, like months until we're in a position to even look. However, circumstances have changed and he wants to put a deposit down this week.
He doesn't know about my overdraft, he's very critical when it comes to money as he's never been in a position where he hasn't had any. Because of this, I haven't told him about the overdraft. No opinions needed. I have started very slowly paying off a little each month (as it's a separate account). I thought it would be settled by the time we were ready.
So, it's a planned interest free overdraft of £1500. I'm fully in this, except I have now paid £250 off over the last two working months. Therefore, I still owe £1250.
I don't use the account at all now except to occasionally transfer money into it when I can.
Will this affect my chances of being accepted for a mortgage?
I'm very worried. Real advice would be appreciated.
Read more: Will a student overdraft affect me getting a mortgage?