I recently inherited 100k, and as fortunate as I know this is, I don't want to waste it. I'm not really sure what to do with it, I don't have a house yet but I'm only earning 21K a year (with a good chance of being promoted though) so I can't get much of a mortgage by myself (I have a partner but don't feel ready to move in together yet). So I've thought about buying a run down house and doing it up and selling it on/renting it out. Then I could use that money to buy the next one. I'm also considering going travelling for a couple of months.
I just want advice on what to do with it really, what's the best way to save it in the bank etc? What should I invest in? I really don't have a clue! I'd like to make some money off it ideally, but nothing too high risk.
Added (1). Edit - Obviously I wouldn't buy a house before travelling… But it seems a waste not to do something like that with it? (I'm 24 so don't have any responsibilities yet).
Read more: How should I invest £100k?